I hope you like me as i am.

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1.4.10 ; 2:32 PM

{happiness is easy/}

hehe, had quite a fun time april fooling today. not many ppl fell for it though. lemme see, jing jing did, marcus did, josh half did. only half. LOLS. anyway, meeting a friend later, so hopefully one more fell in the trap. hehehe. cass's prank was good. about her backbone and quitting band. clement and chinmei fell for it. qi's jie's prank was good too. lesley got me but thats because i'm slow lo.

ran the 2.4 today. my second timing was actually much better than last time but on my last round i suddenly cramp. i have NO IDEA WHY. it is with much perseverance that i'm able to walk back lo. got a stupid 24mins. SUCKS SIA. should really go train sometimes and make sure my timing is always better than the last time i tried. zzz.

still, even if i finally pass my 2.4, i still have my long jump to worry. i have NO IDEA WHY ALSO. i just suck at long jump. i can do sit ups, pull ups, shuttle run but JUST NOT LONG JUMP. the only time i passed is when i was p5. tyco.

anyway, gtg, need to prepare my prank. ;D and marcus, don't forget the raspberry thingy ahhs. C:
