I hope you like me as i am.

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know that its for you... in a way...
1.5.10 ; 12:01 PM

{happiness is easy/}

once agan, i'll dunk myself into work and friend's company, i'll start feeling sorry for myself until i wake myself up and realise: this is life, this is what life is like, falls and rise and all that. life wouldn't be life if i spend every moment contemplating my next move and maybe i should be reckless once in a while. going out as much as possible next week before gg home to study. don't want to go back to an empty home with a unfriendly computer and warm bed that still has the nice soapy smell. umm hello, you're everywhere. i can see your shadows still lingers here. the little bear, the necklaces, the key chains and the notebooks, everything is still lying there. i don't want to take them away man. let them be. lol.